Basin Highlight Report
Technology Used: ESRI ArcGIS for JavaScript API
About: This application is part of the yearly Basin Highlight Report (BHR). The BHR is usually formatted in an ESRI storymap. The storymap contains interactive maps to display the condition of the different waterways throughout the Houston area. This particular interactive map depicts the different watersheds, rivers, and lakes in the Houston area. The project manager wanted to filter the watersheds to display only the watershed that contains the river that was clicked. The project manager also wanted to have popup to display a description of the watershed, list the major tributaries, areas of concern, and any plans associated with the watershed.
Process:Since this was going to be part of the BHR and was going into a storymap, I tried to create what the project manager wanted within ArcGIS Online. However, ArcGIS Online doesn't allow users to reposition the popup window. This left ArcGIS for JavaScript as the only solution to give the project manager what she wanted. In order to filter the watersheds based on the user's click, I captured the latitude and longitude of the mouse click. Then I created a query using the mouse click as the feature to query against the watershed layer. Once the query produces a result, I create a definition expression on the watershed based on the name from the results. Creating the popup in the style that the project manager wanted was more time consuming and difficult. I used ESRI's Arcade language to set the popup for each watershed based on the watershed's ID.